
Established To Help

Fly Fishers in Rim Country

Payson Fly Casters inc. is organized as a 501c3 non-profit corporation.

Our goal is to expand the opportunities for Arizona residents and visitors to experience satisfying Fly Fishing in Rim Country Arizona. And To provide Rim Country residents with a forum for education, resource conservation and stewardship through the sport of fly fishing.

We strive to be the local voice for organized fly fishers in Rim Country, maintaining liaison with other sporting organizations, and with the governmental agencies involved in many aspects of our sport.

We are a federally and state approved non-profit, and as such there are NO paid positions, all of our efforts are produced by the volunteer efforts of our amazing members. Rest assured you membership fees and donations are put directly to work for Rim Country fly fishing.

…… And we do it while having FUN!!!!!

We look forward to your stay.

Tom Herman – President​


Promote the Sport of Fly Fishing in Rim Country


More happy anglers and improved resources


Serve our Community
Protect the Environment
Have Fun!